A Definition of the Word 'Church'

In the New Testament, the word 'church' in it’s original written language of Greek was 'ekklesia'. This particular word was actually not a religious or Christianeez word at the time. The Greek definition as all the people of Jesus day knew it was, “An assembly, or group of people, organized together for a common purpose”. The word ekklesia was 1st used centuries before Jesus was on the earth. The word was most commonly used when referring to political gatherings. The irony of it all is that 1st century Greek actually contained many words used to describe religious specific gatherings but these were never the words used by Jesus, the disciples, or any of the New Testament writers! Isn't it interesting that they all could have used words that everyone would have known was a religious gathering, but they didn't? Could it be that Jesus knew that if he used these other words no one would have thought they would have been capable to create church on their own? Could it be that He used the term 'ekklesia' because it was something anyone could form?

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