Jesus Taught 3

Jesus said, "For where two or more come together in my name, there am I with them"

What is church?
What HAS to be there?          ...what doesn't?
Who CAN start one?                 ...who can't?

Does there HAVE be a pastor….
Does there HAVE to be a building…
Does there HAVE to be a guitar….

...Not necessarily according to Jesus

Jesus never shared a MODEL for church, He only shared what the PRODUCT of church should look like. In other words, Jesus didn't teach 'how to DO church'. What He did teach was how each person should be LIVING OUT in their lives because of having church.

That product always revolved around 3 LOVES.
Whatever model of church it be, that as a result of it:

1...each person would LOVE and obey the Lord,
2...each person would LOVE their neighbor as themselves, and     
3...each person would LOVE the lost people of this world.

That being said, wouldn't the simplest form of church be WHATEVER form that HOLDS community committed to ACTIVELY living out these 3 LOVES?

Maybe Jesus didn't give a model to create these 3 because He knew there were so many different ways to cultivate these 3? Doesn't this naturally change the real question from, 
"Do you go to a church"
 "Do you have a community committed with you to really living out these 3 loves?"